
Archive for the ‘research’ Category


August 26, 2011 Leave a comment



ps: ieee维护的会议列表可以在这里查询到(2011年8月22日更新),但是ieee cs好像有些会议在这里也不一定能看到。

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你查过GB/T 11457 了吗?

March 2, 2011 Leave a comment

同行交流起来术语的含义一定要统一规范,要不然会造成相互间理解起来困难,这点在写作学术性论文时特别的重要。信息技术方面,我国是有自己的标准GB/T 11457,对于外文词汇的翻译以及定义有明确的说明。在写作论文时,如果有些词汇翻译或者概念的定义拿捏的不准,最好先参考一下这个标准。最新的标准好像是2006版。

Categories: research

some links about statistical tools

October 15, 2010 1 comment

The reason i explore the statistical tools is related to my research project. Our lab has a project about applying sensor networks to agriculture. To help agronomists have better understanding about their plants, we employ sensor networks to collect environmental parameters of crops grown in green houses and crop fields.  Although we got a great amount of data, the data is not ready for use. We have to preprocess the raw data to eliminate or correct the false ones, which usually requires statistical computation over the datasets. After simple survey, I’ve decided to give R a little try.

Relevant Links

1. Comparison of data analysis packages: R, Matlab, SciPy, Excel, SAS, SPSS, Stata

A brief comparison  about data analysis packages. There are also lots of valuable comments along with the article.

2. Why are SAS/STATA the default statistical tools for undergrads? Why not teach R?
The thread on talked about SAS and R.

3. Intro to Statistics – MATLAB Style

A short introduction to statistical toolbox in Matlab. Also, there are several posts on the same topic in the scope of Matlab.

4. Trilogy of Statistical programming with R on IBM developerworks

Categories: research


August 18, 2010 Leave a comment






Categories: research, 它山之石


May 26, 2010 1 comment


ps: 我对自己的定位,如果还继续准备在学术领域的话,应该是:

Categories: research


January 25, 2010 2 comments

Dr. Jim KuroseACM CoNext Student Workshop上做的keynote”Ten pieces of advice I wish my PhD advisor had given me”,讲稿可以从网上下载。虽然关于如何做phd或者研究的方法论网上已有很多(如MIT AI Lab,贝尔实验室的Richard Hamming……),自己也读过一些,但是每次读这类的文章还是会有新的收获。

比较喜欢里面那副关于solution complexity和time关系曲线图。另外,还有学到了一个新名词least publishable unit (LPU)或者也叫做minimum publishable unit (MPU)

Categories: research


January 10, 2010 3 comments

今天无意中看到slashdot.org的一则新闻讲的是中国吸引海外人才回国的事情China Luring Scientists Back Home。文章的投递者很为美国的前途担忧,质疑科研部门是否要培养这些未来将会报效祖国的学生。鬼子们下面的跟贴很直白,你可以看出民族主义,或者是大国主义,下面摘录一些我觉得有特色的段落和大家分享:

As alluded in the article, Chinese science remains far behind, especially because of rampant cronyism in academia as well as government. But, if more Chinese students go back, it could damage the US’s technology lead. A large percentage of PhD students in the US are from China. Also, the typical PhD student has their tuition paid for and receives a salary. Does it make sense to invest in their training if they will do their major work elsewhere?"

f the US as a whole isn’t providing a sufficient incentive for these students to remain here and China is, then I’d say that the problem is mostly our doing. Give them a good reason to stay and they most likely will, treat them like crap and they’ll leave.

Brain drain sucks even worse for the people who live in the country the person receiving a PhD emigrated from. For instance, there are more doctors in the born in Ethiopia living in just the Washington, DC area than there are doctors in the entire country of Ethiopia. How does a country recover from such a tremendous brain drain and address major social ills like rampant poverty, famine, and endemic corruption when the very people who might be best able to assist with their own experience and knowledge do not return to their native country because there is nothing to return to and no reasonable job prospects? Why must the US retain as many of their foreign born individuals who received their PhD in the US, when under the right conditions these PhD holders could help their own country far more than any kind of work they do in the US? I’m not suggesting we force these people to return or even expect them to return, especially when there is nothing to return to. But then again I see nothing wrong with ti US offering grants and other forms of aid to underdeveloped countries so that they can improve their situation with respect to development and improve the local economy. This would come with the explicit expectation that these governments spend the money wisely, and steps are taken so that as little money as possible is wasted by corruption. 这位仁兄还是说了句公道话

On the other hand, sending back western educated scientists and engineers to China can’t help but better relations between the east and the west. People accustomed to western culture who have move back to China to fill high paying positions in Chinese academia and industry are much more likely to think well of the west than those who were fully brought up, raised, and educated under the Communist Party of China. (Not to say that relations between China and the west are bad at the moment, they’re probably near as good as they ever have been at the moment). 感觉对中国相当有偏见

That doesn’t have to be the case. When I worked as a Post-Doc in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in 2000, we had a Chinese co-worker who just got his Ph.D. and was working also as a post-doc. He got a letter from the Chinese authorities in which he was invited to come back to China. He was promised a job as a professor at a university there. I don’t remember wether he went there to have a look before he moved, but after he moved we got a heartbreaking email from his wife who told us that this so-called ‘professorship’ didn’t exist, and the authorities had given them room to live in a house together with 9(!) other families. This was a big setback for her, being used to the standard of living here in NL. Her husband had a better job here than he had gotten in China. And of course there was no way this poor guy and his family were allowed to come back to the Netherlands. I wouldn’t be surprised if this happens a lot with Chinese people who are drawn back to China by their government. 不知道这个事情是否属实,除非从事了特殊专业,要不应该可以再次选择的。

It has nothing to do with their education and everything to do with taxpayers money being used (in the form of grants) to pay for that education. But apparently you’re just one of the many billions who think that the US exists solely to be the global sugar daddy. 都扯到美国纳税人了,不过还是有智者存在,下面的回复说:apparently you’re just one of the many billions who think that the US exists solely.

Here’s where I think the main problem actually is: We actually send home some who do want to stay. And that is a true wasted opportunity. I’ve met a couple of very smart people in my days as a grad student that were sent home even though they wanted to stay. Visa expired, couldn’t find a job in time or some other such nonsense. If you have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, you are not likely to be a drag on society, even if you don’t wind up employed in your first six months out. And now they are in China, Germany, India, or Mexico, working and contributing in those economies and using all the tools and education they got courtesy of Uncle Sam. We should make it easier for them. And yes, I have real people in mind that I am typing about.

I think the whole situation is ironic. Quite often when I hear stories about immigrants with degrees getting jobs in the USA, people go ballistic about how they are stealing Americans’ jobs and depressing wages.When they go back to their home country, people then complain about a brain drain and about how they should make a ‘contribution’ to the country that educated them (never mind that they paid highly inflated tuition and quite often even their graduate education was paid for by moneys outside of the USA + grad students essentially work for $10 an hour – slave wages).So they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

I lived in China for one year teaching high school students and one thing I noticed in general while students were brilliant at chemistry, maths, physics, etc. when solving text book problems, many seemed to be struggling with coming up with new concepts, and in some cases applying what they learnt into new areas. Many struggled when told ‘I want x as the end result’ without any explanation of the process to achieve the end result. It seems most of the science study was just pure memorizing of facts and figures. I found the same later on when managing some staff from Asia, although very dedicated and hard working they required additional guidance on what processes to use to achieve a goal. There seemed to be a strong sense of ‘copy wherever possible’ (why re-create it, if somebody already has?) My students had to do ‘school’, ‘city’, and ‘provincial exams’ The complained the provincial exams ‘didn’t allow copying’ Another instance of this was when a foreign professor in Chinese university was fired when failing students for work that had obviously been copied from another source. I think US / Europe still had lead on creativity which can be an important factor when coming up with new solutions / ideas. Not to say the Chinese can’t, and it will be interesting to see how they go, but I don’t think the number of PhD’s alone will decide whether US or China has technology lead. It will also depend on how much further China restricts internet access as the number of internet sites being blocked continues to increase, it certainly frustrates me that even though I have a large network of friends in China working in technology social networking / YouTube continues to be blocked there, and alternatives to access these sites such as proxies / VPN are illegal – and often if detected are blocked. For my friends in China who have studied overseas and since moved back to China they are constantly complaining about fact sites like facebook,twitter, youtube no longer work.



PS: 我在考虑互联网与信息技术可以在多大程度上改善贫困地区教育的问题,不过教育在一开始更重要的也许是言传身教和耳濡目染。

Categories: research


November 9, 2009 Leave a comment







Categories: research


October 22, 2009 2 comments

从fisher的reader share看到一篇关于电子科大取消硕士学位“发表论文”硬指标的报道,转念想到nwpu的政策……早该取消了,没太大意义,老师们要出版免费,学生们对这word发呆,“写”一些自己都不知道是什么的东西。好像浙大,交大好像很早就取消这个对硕士生毕业的硬性指标,现在加上电子科技大学,看来好的学校总是走在前面的原因就是因为他们勇于改革。我估计硕士生发表论文应该会对学校的排名有一定影响,因为这个是在排名统计中有比重的。因此让学校取消这个硬性规定确实需要些取舍。早点取消吧,节省我们是时间和金钱,虽然可能一些杂志社要关门了。取消硕士生论文发表的硬性要求,提高学位论文质量,我们可以更好的共享知识与资料,而不必让我们在中文期刊数据查询关键词得到百度或者google数量级的搜索结果而还是什么都没找到。

Categories: research

Talking about 搞研究

June 30, 2007 5 comments





Categories: research